How ‘Forever Renters’ Are Changing Real Estate As We Know It
Eye-catching article title, right? Of course I had to read more!
“Millions of Americans are wondering if they’ll be forever renters. In fact, ‘18% of millennial renters say they plan to rent forever’ (up from 11% in 2018), according to research from Apartment List.”
Now, I’ve always said that just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. I’ve had plenty of clients that ended up passing on buying, deciding instead to continue to rent. And it was indeed the right move for them. Although many feel pressure to buy a home, there are perks to being a renter and being a homeowner isn’t always the right fit for everyone.
This was a good read because it not only highlighted that there are a growing number of people who prefer to rent (want to, not have to) as well as calling out some of the implications this can have in the short and long-term for the market and on the real estate industry, potentially.
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